That is why our teams’ innovation culture ensures we are constantly evolving and improving our products and services with the use of technology.
We don’t just think outside the box, we often get rid of the box altogether!
To carry out research into the biodiversity net gain of the LivingPillars™ installed in 2019 by way of two biodiversity sweeps in 2021 and 2022 in Ebury Street, London, SW1
To develop a simple and cost-effective preparation technique to improve degraded soil to support long term urban micro-forests.
To produce an easy to install, self-contained and irrigated living wall unit to support long term planting - LivingArt™.
To investigate the thermal benefits of living walls on buildings.
To develop scalable technology to support long term planting on street furniture and lamp posts.
To investigate plants ability to absorb pollution including (NO2, CO2, CO) and improve air quality (Relative Humidity and Air Temperature).
To develop an irrigation system powered by solar energy to sustain long term planting on lamp posts.
To investigate the ability of our living wall system to support and sustain trees and large shrubs.
To trial sustainable planting on differing gradients and moveable structures.
To investigate the ability of plants in our living walls to provide electricity.
To investigate the thermal properties of different living wall systems.
To develop a lightweight living wall system to sustain long term planting on the sides of buildings.
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