Scotscape R&D department

2018 Scotscape R&D department LivingPillar™- Sustainable planting on lamp posts

The brief

To investigate the ability to sustain long term planting on lamp posts, powered by solar, self-irrigating, without damaging the lamp post.

The process 

The prototype was designed, installed & planted and monitored for a year at our head office 

The irrigation was designed to be recycled ensuring no water loss 

process diagram

Once the concept had been proven, a pilot scheme of 5 LivingPillars™ was installed in Ebury Street SW1W 0LU, London in May 2019


The App

The technology was developed to send and receive live data from each LivingPillar™ via an App. We can therefore ensure the planting remains healthy by monitoring irrigation flows, substrate temperature levels, moisture content and water levels.

The sensors within the system are able to detect heat and moisture levels and add irrigation cycles in extreme heat without human interference. 


The pilot scheme of 5 pillars continue to thrive at time (October 2022).

  • We have found that it is possible to install sustainable long term planting on Lamp Posts
  • The technology that is installed with each lamp post is required to monitor the health of the system and remove risk of plant failure
  • The sensors within the system instigate extra irrigation cycles without the need for human interference
  • By installing a rigid UPVC sheath onto which the fytotextile is fixed, no damage is caused to the lamp post
  • Manual filling of the reservoirs is required typically once per week March to October and once every two weeks November to February. As the irrigation is recycled through the system and back into the reservoir, there is no water wastage.
  • For installations in shady areas, back up hard wiring is recommended to support the solar energy  


The LivingPillar initiative is now being trialled with over 100 LivingPillars™ installed (at time of writing October 2022) in Westminster, Wandsworth, Clapham Junction, Islington, Liverpool and Southend in 2022

Ebury Street London

Ebury Street London

Clapham Junction, London

Clapham Junction, London

Southend, Essex

Southend, Essex

We have named the concept LivingPillar™ and at time of writing (October 2022, there is a patent pending) 

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