Living Pillars

Installation Process

About Our Living Pillars

Living Pillar™ Installation

Feasibilty Study

Once the lighting columns to be converted into LivingPillars™ have been chosen, we carry out a Non-Destructive Test (NDT) with our specialist sub-contractors which will determine the amount of plant loading the column can accept.

From this information we specify the height of planting and size of reservoir.

We will also visit each location to make sure that the lighting columns are accessible from an installation and maintenance perspective.

installation feasibility study


installation design living pillar

Subject to the results of the NDT, our design team will assess the street environment and choose the most suitable plants for the location and the height of planting on the column.

Using a combination of hardy perennials, shrubs and occasionally annuals, our plant designs give year-round foliage even during the winter months.

On any thoroughfare this innovative product can bring seasonal colour and much needed biodiversity to existing urban infrastructure.

Seasonal planting and Christmas lighting are optional extras.

Insect and Bird boxes are included on all our designs.


Installation is either from a cherry picker or scaffold tower. The reservoir, fytotextile and irrigation are installed and commissioned before planting.

One team can install and commission two LivingPillars™ per day, subject to access.

Our LivingPillars™ are powered by solar energy however, we do require ‘back up’ hardwiring to the electrical supply in the lighting column which we convert to 12v.

This supply will only be used if there is inadequate solar energy, particularly shady locations.

Due to growing conditions, we recommend planting between March and October.

As with all lighting columns that have signage and video cameras, re-testing should be carried out every 30 months to ensure structural compliance.


If the lighting column fails the NDT, we recommend a new column is installed.

We design and supply lighting columns specifically for our LivingPillar™ with a design life of 20 years,.

Using a new column, we are able to increase the height of planting up to 4.0m.


  • "Many thanks for the presentation Niall, inspirational and informative in equal measure! Living walls are a really exciting and progressive architectural development, I hope that they will become more widely used in the future."

    Stuart Meadows
    Architect, HNW Architects
  • "We use Scotscape across all of our developments to do our planting and maintenance at our sales & marketing suites as well as our show home garden designs. Scotscape are creative in their design and knowledgeable. They are a great team to work with, always deliver on time and to a high standard."

    Hayley Jennings
    Senior Marketing Manager, Berkeley Homes Eastern Counties Ltd
  • "We found them to be very professional throughout, from initial engagement up to completion. The nature of our project & our Client’s requirements necessitates the need for our supply chain partners to be reactive & flexible throughout and Darren & the whole team, were nothing but!"

    Sean Kenny
    Project Director, Bouygues E&S Contracting Ltd


Head Office
Ditton Nurseries
Summerfield Lane
London, KT6 5DZ

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