Sunrise Senior Living Care Home Esher

Sunrise Senior Living Care Home Esher

Specialist Care Home Grounds Maintenance

We understand that gardens are the focus for many residents in retirement and senior living communities, making landscape maintenance for care homes crucial. Gardens in these locations need to provide an outdoor space that can be used by the more mobile residents maybe for some regular exercise, to walk the dog, to sit and talk with friends and relatives or maybe even to do a bit of “green fingered” gardening. The gardens also need to be accessible to the less mobile residents including those in wheelchairs. The need for clean stable pathways, the use of scented and sensory planting and more importantly, the sense of “home” are so important in gardens for the elderly. Scotscape offer expert care home ground maintenance, ensuring that gardens play a big part in the care of the elderly.

The gardens may also include a specialist dementia area using stimulus from the past to further assist care.

Expertly maintained and well designed gardens are essential for all business, helping to create that vital first impression to potential new clients, even more so when gardens can play such a strong role in the health and variety of care offered to the elderly.

Scotscape currently maintains the landscapes at fifteen Sunrise Senior Living locations across the UK.

landscape maintenance sunrise care home esher
Sunrise Senior Living Care Home gardens Esher

Our Services

  • A site manager who will manage your service overall
  • Ongoing communication to ensure our service is tailored to meet your needs
  • Permanent grounds staff or regular visits from our team
  • Management and improvement works on both hard and soft landscapes
  • Interior plant maintenance and displays

In addition to these key services the team are on hand to offer services specific to your site and requirement.

To further enhance our services we offer gardening clubs to Sunrise's Clients to bring connection to nature and hands-on opportunity to continue a resisdent's passion for gardening. Regular newsletters are circulated advising our clients of works undertaken and particular projects to further enrich and enhance the grounds.

sunrise care home esher plants


Head Office
Ditton Nurseries
Summerfield Lane
London, KT6 5DZ

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