We were delighted to be invited to Merrist Wood College in Guildford to deliver our Breathing Life into Cities CPD to the teachers.
Moreover, we were also able to demonstrate vertical planting techniques with our LivingArt™ unit and discovered some natural talent amongst the audience.
Knowledge transfer is very important to us and especially when it comes to Merrist Wood as they offer education in land-based sectors and are a key supplier of students into our industry.
As part of our CPD we explain Biodiversity Net Gain, the rule within the 2021 Environment Act by which new developments will have to abide. As a heads up this becomes law in November 2023.
We also demonstrate how plants can improve biodiversity and, most importantly, how we can introduce sustainable planting in the built environment using Living Walls, Living Pillars, Living Art and Micro Forests.
If you would like to learn more about our innovative products and services which help to bring biodiversity into our cities click below to sign up to one of webinars or to arrange a CPD.
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