Led by the Green Roof orator Dusty Gedge and leading Green Roof supplier Chris Bridgman of Bridgman & Bridgman World Green Roof day launches to celebrate green roofs all over the planet and the many benefits that they bring to the built environment.
It is no secret that as urbanisation increases clever use of our existing and new building assets is becoming an ever more vital part of creating happy healthy and sustainable towns and cities. As quoted 'Green Roofs make life better for everyone':
Green Roofs form a key part of broad urban greening strategies including living walls, tree planting, living pillars, parklets, gardens and sustainable landscape maintenance to improve life for humans and wildlife.
Canada House Green Roof and Living Wall Scotscape
What are the Benefits of Green Roofs?
Reducing storm-water run-off as part of a sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) strategy.
Roof lifespan increase.
Reducing energy use.
Climate change mitigation.
Climate change adaptation.
Lessening the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)
Increasing biodiversity and wildlife.
Improving air and water quality.
Creation of amenity space for city dwellers
Opportunities to create community farming projects
What's not to like? From small to grandiose, every green roof brings a benefit to supporting biodiversity and ecosystems.
PWC roof terrace designed by Matthew Bell planting ScotscapePWC roof terrace designed by Matthew Bell planting ScotscapeGreen Roof at Ikea Greenwich by Bridgman and Bridgman