Vertical Greening and Vertical Gardens - What are the options?
Occasionally projects require an alternative to our Living Wall system. Challenges can be presented by location or budget or a completely different aesthetic is sought by our clients.
Our living wall installation and maintenance teams are familiar with all types of living wall systems which is why we also propose preserved moss for interior projects, ivy screens for fencing or large scale vertical greening or Jakob Wire Trellis systems to support climbing plants. Ivy and trellis support our goals to green up our urban environment, providing valuable habitats for wildlife and lifting grey facias to vibrant green! For extensive civil engineering projects we recommend Flex MSE - However plants are introduced the benefits to the urban environment remain. Mixed use of vertical greening options in larger projects also assists clients to create a high aesthetic at key entrances, yet continue the good work with alternatives throughout the rest of a project.
Moss when installed in interiors creates not only an alluring aesthetic, but also brings acoustic benefits and supports biophilic design principles, it is maintenance free - thus mitigating the need to source a water supply and ongoing maintenance visits.