LivingPillar Install Twyford for David Brownlow Foundation

09 December 2019

LivingPillar installed at Twyford

The Scotscape Smartscape team has been working with the David Brownlow Charitable Foundation to install this LivingPillar at Twyford, also with the support and endorsement of Theresa May. Adapting our Living Wall system with our innovative team, the LivingPillar has been created.

living wall improved air quality schools
Smart Living Pillar Twyford Theresa May and DBCF

LivingPillar is easily installed on lighting columns and street furniture it has been designed to encourage biodiversity into city centres. The patented Fytotextile living wall system supports long term plant growth, the irrigation system is powered using solar energy and installation does not damage the column. The irrigation is recirculating therefore no water wastage. All year round foliage can enhance way-finding and place-making and particular plants can be chosen for tasks such as trapping particulate matter (PM), N0x and Carbon. Bird boxes and insect houses are installed to further establish bird and bee lines back into the centre of our cities. Decorative and seasonal lighting can be installed to add further interest and the water reservoir at the base of the column can support commercial revenue opportunities using signage and sponsorship.

Alexander Barfield, Chief Executive of the foundation, said:

“Twyford crossroads is environmentally poor due to high levels of traffic and idling cars at the traffic lights.

"Wokingham Borough Council has put up signage to encourage drivers to switch off their engines whilst waiting at the crossroads.

“They have also looked at the phasing of the lights. However, something more must be done to improve the environment.

This is the first of several LivingPillars the DBCF will be funding in the centre of Twyford. The DBCF hopes to extend this concept into surrounding areas.”

Angus Cunningham Managing Director of the Scotscape Group said:

"The LivingPillar designed by our innovative team forms part of a suite of urban greening solutions offered by the Scotscape Group to support biodiversity and cleaner, healthier and more sustainable cities, it has been a pleasure working with the David Brownlow Charitable Foundation on this project and we look forward to adding more".

 Smart Living Pillar
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