Living Walls and Urban Greening Innovation to boost Biodiversity

01 July 2020

Living Walls and Urban Greening for Biodiversity

This week is #Solitarybeeweek!

Did you know there are over 240 species of solitary bee in the UK alone, they make up 90% of our wild bee population and need protection?

Back in 2016 we designed the ‘Pollinator Living Wall’ with the charity Bug Life, this living wall was designed to incorporate year round forage for pollinators including solitary bees, habitats from Wildlife World were incorporated to further support our efforts to support the pollinator population.

This research has influenced living wall content for many projects since and what we learnt about how bees forage has been a guide not only to our living walls horticultural content but also for our new living pillar innovation.

Bug Life describe the foraging life of a bee perfectly:

‘Imagine trying to travel around Britain without our road and rail network. Or imagine if nine out of every ten miles of road just didn’t exist – life would be impossible!

Well for much of our wildlife this is the reality – it is confined to tiny fragments of habitat and unable to move across the countryside as our climate and landscape rapidly changes. It has been predicted that 40-70% of species could go extinct if action is not taken to enable species to move through the landscape.’

This statement underpins the very reason why intelligent horticulture in cities is crucial. Creating correct planting content in our living walls and living pillars supports habitat creation and forage for bees and other insects right in the heart of cities where previously they would have been confronted with concrete and glass!

living walls urban greening pollinator

Living walls can have a dramatic impact on an environment due to their potentially impressive aesthetic, and wide-ranging biodiversity benefits. Living walls are likely to host a range of invertebrates, can be planted with berry-bearing plants to provide birds with food, and can be used as a nesting place for garden birds. The planting scheme can be tailored to location of the proposed site using daylight analysis and weather reports over 12-month period to ensure each selected plants success.

We work with ecologists to support biodiversity action plans. Horticultural content is curated to deliver genuine benefits and to satisfy the BREAAM and Wild West End credit systems.

living walls tasman house
Tasman House Living Wall
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